Wow, I'm really dumb! I've been a member for about two days, and this is the first time I've even thought about posting here!
I'm Elecktrikfeather, also known as: Realm-Mage Avalon, R.M. Avalon, Avie, Elie, and most comonly: Cait. I live in koff-not so-koff sunny Florida! I am 16, and I totaly rock... not. I'm a Chamiko (Chase Young X Kimiko Tohomiko, CYxKT, CxK, ChaseKimiko, ChaseKim, etc) shipper.
I am clynically insane...
I did not mean to type that...
I like cheese...
A huricane is no excuse; my internet should be up and running at all times!- Me
You above veal, cheese, and every volcano!