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The Xiaolin Chronicles

Okay, wow. Seriously, me and Buffi were at my house and came up with the most retarted thing ever. xD It's a series of Chronicles about the Xiaolin People. Starting with them in High School, then Colledge, Getting Married, Having a Family, Careers, ect ect. Since we are hoplessly retarted, we decided to give it a crack and try to start this as an RP.


PandaTown High

Chase Young - Leader of the coolest,most awsome gang EVER!! (In reality, a Leather-Jacket, Tight-Jean, Slicked-Back haired Grease Wannabe)
Grautated 8 years ago...O_o
played by Rosie

Raimundo Pedrosa - Captain of the cheerleading Squad. Is a cross-dresser. People aen't really sure of what Gender he is.
played by Rosie

Clay Bailey - Quarter-Back for the school's football team. A dumb blonde, niceguy jock.
played by Buffi

Jack Spicer - Gothic, emo, the "loser kid". Tried out for the cheerleading squad, but was rejected time after time for being "too pale". Is the school Mascot. Wants to be in Chase's Gang.
played by Buffi

Kimiko Tohomiko - First chair in the Super Adcanced Calculus Class. Also in the Chess Club. The "Hot Nerd".
played by Elecktrikfeather

Wuya - President of the  School's Newspaper. Spends a lot of time in the office looking up kid's records and selling the answers to tests. Part of Chase's Gang.
played by avi

Ashley (Katnappe) - Weight-Depressed cheerleader. Hates raimundo, because they competed for captain. Is sensitive about her weight.
played by Double K

Pandabubba - The school's clynically insane princible. Thinks the school is some sort of illegal drug distribution comapany.
played by Tiff

Omi - Part of Jermaine's dope gang. In the school's wrestling team. Is a pot head, which is why he's always confused.
7th lost at wrong school I guess
played by Double K

Jermaine - Owns a gang that consists of himself, Omi, and Raimundo's random and unnamed siblings that is the rival of Chase's gang.
played by avi

Jessie Bailey - President of the FFA, tried out for football, but her brother got the position she wanted.
played by ?

Hannible Roy Bean & Yin Yang Bird - In Chase's gang. Forced to take Home ec, where he's contantly threatend being turned into some dish. He and his bird are going steady xD. Both have leather jackets.
Doesn't matter, he's a bean
played by buffi

Vlad - Band nerd. Annoying foreign kid. In Chase's gang.
Janitor & Sopmore O_o
played by ?

Le Mime - In the Drama Club. Appears and reappears at random. Most people go to him for advice.
played by Double K

Gigi - School Lunch Lady..uh..plant...thing. Possibly a pedophile.
Lunch Lady
played by Rosie

Please choose at least 2 characters...xD;; If you want one I'm already playing, ask and I'll switch...maybe...>w>

EDIT: I put the character's grades for those who don't know. DO NOT CHANGE IT Or we will eat your face. Have a nice day.

-- Edited by roundarosie at 20:32, 2006-09-04

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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Can I be Ashley and Omi

The More you rove someone the more you want to kirr them. But it's not againste any religion...To want to dispose of a pigeon Click Link Please!


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+Adds you+ xD

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

Thats my daddy!!

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I want Pandabubba!!!

the only reason wuya wants to be solid is spagetti

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Aww, I don't get to make up Omi-isms anymore... ;_;

I'll take Jermaine and Wuya, sil vous plait. ^^ (I know no French whatsoever)

Is YOUR Hot Pocket cold in the middle?


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Done and Done

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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Now that you've added him can I have Le mime?

The More you rove someone the more you want to kirr them. But it's not againste any religion...To want to dispose of a pigeon Click Link Please!


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You and Buffi fight to the death over him.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

im actually not a big kakairu fan...

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nah,KK can be him,it's okay..I'll be um...kimiko,i guess

some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.

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cyborg buffi wrote:

nah,KK can be him,it's okay..I'll be um...kimiko,i guess

Thank you kind and generous buffi

The More you rove someone the more you want to kirr them. But it's not againste any religion...To want to dispose of a pigeon Click Link Please!


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Buffi is bugging me to start, so I SHALL!!!


Raimundo pranced happily up the walkway to the alumni hall, swinging his backpack back and forth chearfully. Finally, he would be starting high school, and as a cheerleader, no doubt! When he got to the hall, he took out his schedule and eyed it pecularly. He had no idea where his classes where. He began frantically looking for somone to ask for directions.


Leaning casually against the waterfountain, Chase eyed all the new students entering PandaTown high. He loved Freshmen, because they made him feel bigger and badder every year. He cooly tugged at the side of his leather jacket. Ah, how he loved High School. He had ever since he was a freshmen, all those eight years ago.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

im actually not a big kakairu fan...

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In walked a tall huskey blonde boy,he looked in aw(sp?)at the sizeof the school,"wow" was all he could say "They must have some football team!"he said happily,with a very thick texan accent.


some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.

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Peering down from the skylight window of the records office, Wuya only smirked at all the younger teens arriving. "This ought to be a fun year..."

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After several moments of standing awkwardly by himself, Raimundo decided it would be best to ask soeone who looked as if they had been to this school before. He gave the area a onc-over and decided to ask a tan redhead standing a few feet away. (WUYA IN CASE YURRR DUMB!)

"Excuse me," he asked timidly. "Could you point me in the direction of room 324?"

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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Wuya quirked an eyebrow as she was approached by the tan-skinne freshman boy...or was it girl?  Between the clothing and makeup and the physical build, it was nearly impossible to tell for certain.  Noting the honest shyness of the kid, though, she decided to refrain from any rude remarks.

"Sure thing, hun.  Halfway down the hallway with those hideous teal lockers, on the left."

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Raimundo smiled and thanked her before turning to walk off, mumbing somthing about how tacky the color teal was or somthing of the like.

Chase popped up randomly behind Wuya, with a "cool guy" pose.

"Hey, who was that?" He said in a "cool voice". Which was similar to the Fonze's. XD

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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"Oh! Chase!" she exclaimed, smoothing her hair and straightening her skirt as discreetly as she could. "Just a freshman wanting directions."

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Chase rose an eyebrow.

"We're too cool to talk to freshmen." he said like the compulsive jerk rosie and buffi were out to make him. "You're in my cool gang, right? Then you got to act cool. And by cool, I mean, how I act. Yeah. I'm cool and sinister." He went on, but his mumblings became inchoherent.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

im actually not a big kakairu fan...

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should i jump in now?

some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.


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Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

im actually not a big kakairu fan...

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(im gonna be hannibal,for the time being)

"come,on chase we have coolness to spread"the bean on chase's shoulder said.(I cant stop laughing form the mental image!!XD)

some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.


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"QUIET, BEAN!" Chase barked. "I'm the leader, so I decide what we are going to do! Now..." He pondered. "Let's go spread our coolness."

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

im actually not a big kakairu fan...

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*spits drink*HAHAHA!XD)

a young looking japanese girl stared at her schedule,"how am i ever gonna figure this out?"

some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.

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Omi was stumblinging to school when he walked into something"Waoh is there a mime here because there's some sort of invisible wall."Omi started giggling which progressed into a laughing fit.

"Here's a thought have you ever heard of like something called like Glass.Pshh I mean like really"Here comes the Valley girl Ashley walking down the halls on her cell phone."like no way!Pshaw!Do these pants make my butt look big?What's that you can't see me because we're on a cell phone?Well it's your fault."Ashley closed her phone angrily.

-- Edited by The_Double_K at 20:21, 2006-08-29

The More you rove someone the more you want to kirr them. But it's not againste any religion...To want to dispose of a pigeon Click Link Please!


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Then, out of nowhere, a giant PLANT came out of the ground in the midsts of all the happy new schoolgoers.

"OH HO HO HO!" Gigi giggled creepily. "It zeems we have all of zeese new students, they all look so schrumpsios!"

"AHH!!! MOMMY!" A random little girl screamed as she ran away frantically.

"You'r not my mom," Raimundo said stupidly, staring up at the plant who had blocked his path. Gigi looked down at him, a big grin spread across his canary yellow face.

"Oh hu ho...vat to we have here?"

"I NEED AN ADULT! I NEED AN ADULT!" Raimundo squeaked as Gigi's head lowered.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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Suddenly, a hissing sound was heard.  The plant shrieked and bolted for the far door as a lit cigarette slowly but surely burned a hole through one of its leaves.  The boy holding the cigarette, a black kid with an afro and a sports jersey, brought it back to his mouth and took a long drag.  Shooting a glance at the crossdressing boy, he said, "Don't take that as no gesture of charity, man.  I just hate that damn lunch lady."

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Gigi cringed in pain, and slithered off screaming,

"SACRE BLUEEEE!!!" until his voice faded.

Raimundo turned and gave a giddy--rather GAY looking-- smile at his rescuer.

"Gee wilikers, thanks a ton! That plant thing sure was scary!" He said before hitting Rosie in the head for making him sound like a 7 year old from the Andy Griffith show.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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(I'll take Jessie too, by the way, for later.)

"You got major issues, dawg." Said the kid, raising a thick eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Wuya was again spying down from the office window at the new kid and the boy she knew (and highly disliked) to be Jermaine, leader of the gang that constantly fought Chase's for their turf.  She suppressed a laugh at the expression on the freshman's face. "Wow, that kid's a pansy."

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By the way...this RP has inspired me.  Soon, you will have art.  And that includes cheerleader!Rai. :3

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Chase looked at Wuya.

"Pansy? Picking flowers isn't cool, yo." Chase said, oblivious as always.

Raimundo rubbed the back of his head and laughed.

"Issue? Me? I'm just peachy keane, thank you!"

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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Shaking his head, Jermaine turned and walked in the opposite direction, dragging on his cigarette and muttering, "Major issues."

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Raimundo stood still, stupidly staring at his mystery rescuer. Just then, the bell rang.

"Oh fudge!" he cried as he ran off to his first period.


Class: Advanced Corn Calculus
Teacher: A...rock with a face drawn on it

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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A rather overweight blonde girl that Raimundo had sat down next to in his rush to get to class frowned at him appraisingly. "Hey there, gal.  I'm Jessie- who're you?" She had an extremely thick Southern drawl.

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Raimundo turned his  head and gave a cheerful grin.

"Hi there! I'm Raimundo!" He said to the girl.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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She looked a cross between startled and disgusted. "Ain't that a boy's name?"

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Raimundo narrowed his eyes.

"Ain't that a boy's shirt?" he said in a mock-accent.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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In a flash, she had him by the collar, and despite her less-than-towering height, his feet dangled several inches from the ground. "You keep yer damn cheeky mouth to yerself!"

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Raimundo let out a pitiful yelp, he felt his designer sandles dangle from his feet.

"I-I'm sorry!" he squeaked, giving his best pitiful look.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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She dropped him, not at all gently, back into his chair, glaring. "You'd better be."

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Raimundo's eyes trailed to his desk, a blush of embarrasment began to form. He decided to try not to start off highschool the wrong way.

"So....uh...are those Stiletto's?" he asked perkily, referring to Jessie's shoes. (Despite the fact he knew very well they were cowboy boots)

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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Her glare didn't soften one bit. "Just keep yer yap shut for the moment, kid.  Not everybody in this place puts up with crap like yers as nice as I do."

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Raimundo complied quickly and faced forward. HE decided to concentrait on what the teacher was saying, but this was exceedingly difficult considering he hadn't moved from his spot. Because he was a rock. And rock's don't talk.

Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

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Back in the office, Wuya was rummaging through teachers' drawers, looking for the key to fourth period's history quiz.  It was supposed to be a killer, and quite a few students had offered her a fair sum to prevent them from failing miserably.

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im actually not a big kakairu fan...

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(this is a rosie idea)

when all of a sudden,the bean popped out of no where,giving her the once over,"so,wuya,first day of school"he said in a suggestivly.

some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.

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She shrank slightly away from him with a revolted expression. "What's your point?"

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im actually not a big kakairu fan...

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"oh,nothin,couldnt help notice you filled out,during the summer."the bean said

some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.

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With a pronounced shudder, she exclaimed revoltedly, "Get away from me, Bean!"

Is YOUR Hot Pocket cold in the middle?

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This RP has officially been fanarted. :3

Is YOUR Hot Pocket cold in the middle?


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RE: The Xiaolin Chronicles


Dark Secret: I steal soap and shampoo from hotel rooms and the housekeeping carts.

im actually not a big kakairu fan...

Status: Offline
Posts: 444

thats so awsome!!

some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.
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