Title: Intermission Rating: NC17 Pairing: Dashi/Guan/Chase (I'm totally not joking) Genre: Erotica (I certainly can't think of any other genre for this...Romance/Humor, maybe, but...) http://cartoon.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600005296
If you like Avi's works, please leave her a review or two! Avi lives off feedback (without reviews, Avi dies!! D:>)
oh!, i read that one yesterday night on Fan fiction! sorry i didnt comment,my computer wont stop craping out on me!,anyways i really liked how chase the window,and how he talked to jack like he was his mom!,haha that was great,keep up the good work!!
some people cry while chopping onions,the trick is not to form a emotional bond.